Charlie ran in the Boston Half Marathon today for the fourth time. Each race he says he's peaked and yet each race he continues to improve! Though he's pretty confident that this time he really did peak for this race at least, this is a lot tougher course than the
Covered Bridge Half Marathon he runs in June.
This year the boys and I found our way over to the mile 13 marker, so not quite the end but a great view of Daddy coming into the final stretch. He wasn't expecting us to be there so he didn't see us (last year we were up in the stadium) but he said he thought he heard someone screaming "Daddy!!" but he was hauling so it wasn't like he could turn back to look!
We saw his time at mile 13 1:23:50 and I was sure he was going to beat his time from last year (1:27:17), but not so sure he was going to beat his best time of 1:25:01 but we would have to wait until we found him at the meeting place because we didn't get to see him cross the finish line. Turns out not only did he beat his time from last year by almost THREE minutes, but he beat his best overall time finished at
1:24:25! We are so proud!! Way to go Daddy!!