Evan & Daddy having a conversation at the top of the stairs.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Project 365 - Day 60
So I totally forgot about this being a leap year when I started my Project 365. In reality this should be called project 366! Oops! I debated calling today "bonus day" in my count, but I think I'll just stick with the numbers in order and have a bonus day at the end!
Evan & Daddy having a conversation at the top of the stairs.
Evan & Daddy having a conversation at the top of the stairs.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Project 365 - Day 59
Evan loves his stall shower. We haven't really used it, but the boys bathtub is getting too crowded so we started splitting them up. The look on his face just made me laugh.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Project 365 - Day 58
This month in Shaun's preschool class they are learning about pets, different types of pets, and how to care for different animals. They even have a "vet office" area set up in the classroom. A couple weeks ago in class they made doctor bags. I had put it aside and came across it today while organizing the kitchen. Shaun showed him his doctor bag and pointed out the stethoscope. That is when Charlie got out his stethoscope and the boys got a little lesson on the heart this morning!
Here is David checking out Daddy's heart.
Here is David checking out Daddy's heart.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Project 365 - Day 57
Yesterday my niece turned 5! Being the only girl in the family means I get to spoil her with lots of cute outfits that I don't get to buy otherwise being a mother of boys!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Project 365 - Day 56
I consider myself a lucky Mommy because today was my first trip to the ER since becoming a mother 5 1/2 years ago. Evan got into a fight with a skee ball machine and the skee ball machine won. Here is my little champ after getting 7 stitches.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Project 365 - Day 55
I bought this basket at Target today and Evan decided it was a nice place to chill out.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Project 365 - Day 54
This morning I dropped David off at school and it was raining. About an hour later, with the trees still dripping from rain, the sun decided to make an appearance. It's one of the coolest effects of nature. I absolutely love the way the sun glistens off the raindrops and I couldn't grab my camera fast enough to capture it. Of course it's not as stunning as it is in real life, but you can still get the sense of the clouds in the background and the sun shinning through.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Project 365 - Day 53
Shaun enjoying his dinner, and me having a little fun in the digital dark room with a neat 1970 preset that I fine tuned.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Project 365 - Day 51
Evan's first time bowling! He lasted 8 frames before he was done and said "buh, byes" his way of telling me it's time to go home.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Project 365 - Day 50
Our swamp. When we bought the house we didn't know were were also buying a swamp. It was March but the yard was buried deep in a foot of snow so we didn't see the swamp. But there it is in all it's mosquito haven, buggy, mucky glory. You don't get the sense from this image, but it's a pretty good sized swamp.
Since we're now pretty sure that we're stuck with the swamp, our plan is to start working on landscaping it in the hopes that we can make it less swampy and more pond like with a possible fountain to keep the water moving, preventing it from being a mosquito breeding ground. And maybe, turn it into something the boys will be able to skate on! Now all we needs is the warmer weather and we can start figuring out our plans!
Since we're now pretty sure that we're stuck with the swamp, our plan is to start working on landscaping it in the hopes that we can make it less swampy and more pond like with a possible fountain to keep the water moving, preventing it from being a mosquito breeding ground. And maybe, turn it into something the boys will be able to skate on! Now all we needs is the warmer weather and we can start figuring out our plans!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Project 365 - Day 49
Nothing but net!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Project 365 - Day 48
Another unseasonably warm day and the ice sheets are melting so we took advantage by stopping over at the playground behind the building where David's music class is. Here is David drawing in the dirt.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Project 365 - Day 47
This is a classic Evan face and it cracks me up every time I see him make it!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Project 365 - Day 46
David's school makes it a point to not celebrate specific holidays by name so instead of a Valentine's Day party they will be having a Friendship Party on Friday! David hard a work, writing out his Friendship Cards! He worked really hard to hand-write all the names of his classmates just as his teacher asked.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Project 365 - Day 45
All You Need is Love & Lollipops! Happy Valentines Day!
Monday, February 13, 2012
I Heart Faces ~ Hearts (day 44)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Project 365 - Day 43
Today we took the boys to get haircuts! Surprisingly the love to go but I think it has more to do with the lollipop they get after than the actual haircut! Today's picture is the before and after!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Project 365 - Day 42
Valentine's Day celebration #1 ~ This morning (bright and early!) the boys and I headed south to our old stomping grounds for a Valentine's Day brunch in our jammies! We had a blast, as always, Miss Sally put together a wonderful celebration! The boys were really excited to give and receive Valentine cards and treats as well as being able to see their old friends!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Project 365 - Day 41
One of the boys household responsibilities is to bring in the recycling bins and the trash barrel from outside after school on Fridays. Today Evan wanted to help too! When David ran over to assist him, he looked at him and said "No! Me do!" I wonder if I can get him to start doing his own laundry now too!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Project 365 - Day 40
David has been begging me all year to ride the bus to school, but I still have to drive Shaun in three days a week. I thought about letting the bus pick him up on Mondays and Thursdays when Shaun doesn't have school until I found out that he'd have to be at the bus stop by 6:55am! NO THANKS! I'm lucky I can get them all out the door by 7:30 (the absolute latest I can leave my house to make it on time) most days! And since I am at the school on days that Shaun's not in class at the Family Center playgroup, he doesn't get the opportunity to ride the bus home either.
So this is the next best thing! On Monday & Thursday I just drop him off and let him walk in all by himself. I wave goodbye from the car and watch him head off to school. So independent! I think he's happy with the compromise, though he does ask me all the time how soon until he's in first grade because he knows then at the very least he'll be able to ride the bus HOME!
So this is the next best thing! On Monday & Thursday I just drop him off and let him walk in all by himself. I wave goodbye from the car and watch him head off to school. So independent! I think he's happy with the compromise, though he does ask me all the time how soon until he's in first grade because he knows then at the very least he'll be able to ride the bus HOME!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Project 365 - Day 39
Shaun was very excited this morning when David helped Shaun beat the level he was stuck on.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Project 365 - Day 38
Where is Evan? Tuesday afternoons is swimming lessons for the older two, so Evan and I will read books and play silly games while cheering on David & Shaun while they swim. Today we played peek-a-boo with his hat.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Project 365 - Day 37
The bonds of friendship! David and Maddie have known each other since birth, and even though they only get to see each other a few times a year, they always pick up right where they left off.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Project 365 - Day 36
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Project 365 - Day 35
He shoots, he scores! David is having a blast right now learning how to play basketball. He needs to work on dribbling and the concept of playing defense, but he's a great shooter! Here he is making a great shot!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Project 365 - Day 34
These days, unless it's around the Holidays, checking the mail is not very much fun. Our mailbox is just filled every day with junk, credit card pre-approvals, various fliers for various businesses, and on occasion mail for the two previous occupants of this address. Except that 10 times a year I get a special treat in my mail box - my Food Network Magazine!
I have a slight addiction to food magazines, but The Food Network magazine is by far my favorite! Before the move I was forced to downsize my collection, but I still have most (if not all) of my Food Network Magazines since the first issue came out! It's nice to have a spot where I can keep them so the Doc doesn't have to call in the specialists from Hoarders to save me.
I have a slight addiction to food magazines, but The Food Network magazine is by far my favorite! Before the move I was forced to downsize my collection, but I still have most (if not all) of my Food Network Magazines since the first issue came out! It's nice to have a spot where I can keep them so the Doc doesn't have to call in the specialists from Hoarders to save me.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Project 365 - Day 32
It only reached about 45 here today but the sun was out and it was warm enough to melt some snow and make some puddles to play in. After splashing around in the puddle at the end of the walk way for a while and trudging through the crunchy snow the boys asked to go for a walk down to the cul-de-sac behind our house. They ran around the circle a few times and had fun kicking snow down into the water drain. And then it was time to walk back home!
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