Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 365 - Day 50

Our swamp. When we bought the house we didn't know were were also buying a swamp. It was March but the yard was buried deep in a foot of snow so we didn't see the swamp. But there it is in all it's mosquito haven, buggy, mucky glory. You don't get the sense from this image, but it's a pretty good sized swamp.

Since we're now pretty sure that we're stuck with the swamp, our plan is to start working on landscaping it in the hopes that we can make it less swampy and more pond like with a possible fountain to keep the water moving, preventing it from being a mosquito breeding ground. And maybe, turn it into something the boys will be able to skate on! Now all we needs is the warmer weather and we can start figuring out our plans!

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