Saturday, June 30, 2012
Project 365 - Day 182
It's HOT down in DC, but with no power at the hotel we decided to trek out to the National Mall area and walk around inside the cool and air conditioned National Museum of Natural History! The boys loved taking the Metro and had a blast at the museum. On our way back to the Metro I had the boys stop so I could snap this picture with the Washington Monument in the background.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Project 365 - Day 181
Hotel living! Finally checked in and tubbied and ready to try and get some sleep. Should be interesting, so glad we splurged for the suite with a separate bedroom!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Project 365 - Day 180
Pool fun at Grammy's camp today!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Project 365 - Day 179
Evan's first movie! Today MIL and I took the boys to see Madagascar 3. It was the perfect first movie for Evan since he really enjoys the first 2 "Alex the Lion" movies. We made sure to sit in an aisle that had lots of space so that we could quickly move if Evan got rowdy! He did much better than I thought, he would switch from sitting with me and sitting with MIL. We had to step out once because he was trying to escape from our row, but he came back after a few minutes and finished the movie, but otherwise he did well. He had the people in the row behind us giggling when he stood up to dance during the circus scene.
I'm not sure how he would do with a movie he is unfamiliar with so I'm still debating whether or not I want to attempt taking him to see Brave, but the older 2 really want to go so we'll have to see!
I'm not sure how he would do with a movie he is unfamiliar with so I'm still debating whether or not I want to attempt taking him to see Brave, but the older 2 really want to go so we'll have to see!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Project 365 - Day 178
Our slider installation is almost complete, but Evan decided to help speed things along by "helping" the carpenter mud the wall.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Project 365 - Day 177
Evan's newest milestone (and I cannot say that I'm thrilled) is being able to open his bedroom door. He has been sleeping in a "big boy" bed since January but he's never tried to get out of the bed, until now. He used to just sit in his room and talk to his stuffed animals or sing songs to himself until I went in to get him. NOW, not so much, I don't know what has changed, but now he likes to get out of his bed, open his door and run out into the hallway and announce "Mommy, Daddy! I wake up!" at the top of his lungs. Then he'll run down the hall to his brothers rooms to tell them.
This would be less of a problem if it wasn't happening between 5:45 and 6:15 in the morning. I try to get him back into his bed and close his door but it's pretty much futile, since in a few minutes he'll get back up and do it all over again. This morning I heard running down the hall trying to sneak down to David's room (he doesn't always announce that he woke up), it was 6:15 and I looked at him pointed to his room and gave him the stink eye to march right back to bed. He was so sad, "I want David" he cried. But I turned on his music and told him it was too early. He calmed down but at that point, Shaun and David were already awake.
I sent the older 2 boys downstairs and decided to grab my camera to see if I could catch Evan trying to get out of bed again, since I knew he heard his brothers at this point. Sure enough, here he is opening his door and trying to sneak out again. Imagine his surprise when he saw Mommy with her camera catching him red handed! This will be one for the memory books when his future children wake him up at the butt crack of dawn trying to sneak out of their rooms!
This would be less of a problem if it wasn't happening between 5:45 and 6:15 in the morning. I try to get him back into his bed and close his door but it's pretty much futile, since in a few minutes he'll get back up and do it all over again. This morning I heard running down the hall trying to sneak down to David's room (he doesn't always announce that he woke up), it was 6:15 and I looked at him pointed to his room and gave him the stink eye to march right back to bed. He was so sad, "I want David" he cried. But I turned on his music and told him it was too early. He calmed down but at that point, Shaun and David were already awake.
I sent the older 2 boys downstairs and decided to grab my camera to see if I could catch Evan trying to get out of bed again, since I knew he heard his brothers at this point. Sure enough, here he is opening his door and trying to sneak out again. Imagine his surprise when he saw Mommy with her camera catching him red handed! This will be one for the memory books when his future children wake him up at the butt crack of dawn trying to sneak out of their rooms!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Project 365 - Day 176
David has finally decided to let us take his training wheels off and learn to ride his bike (originally he told us he would learn when he turned 6)!! He did pretty well, but I still think the fear is holding him back. We told him that practice makes perfect and it's not going to happen overnight. I'm just happy that he tried!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Project 365 - Day 174
While recovering from an eye procedure I had one that afternoon, the boys play quietly with their video games. Shaun often likes to watch David since he is better at the games. I was just happy they were playing nicely together so I could lay on the couch and recoup!
Project 365 - Day 173
School's out for summer and it was a HOT first week. This was the kind of day where you really miss living at the beach! David & his friend stay cool by swimming in the ocean. I don't think they spent more than 20 minutes out of the water.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Project 365 - Day 172
Strawberry Fields Forever!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Project 365 - Day 171
Like the sticker says, David got his library card today! I think this makes us official residents now, only took us a year to get there!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Project 365 - Day 169
Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Project 365 - Day 168
Our friends came over today to help us get that much closer to clearing all the brush in our back yard and after we spent a good chunk working, and the fire had died down a bit, we broke out the s'mores and some sparklers!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Project 365 - Day 167
When we moved in last year the peonies had already bloomed and so we never got to see what they would look like. This week they all opened up and they are a beautiful bright magenta! I think I will transplant them so they are not over crowding the other flowers but I really love how they look out front!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Project 365 - Day 165
Tomorrow is the last day of school and so today we were putting the finishing touches on his teacher gift. I gave him some paper and asked him to write his teacher a little thank you note. He wrote:
Thank you for being my teacher. And thank you for the CD I liked the songs. I hope you have a great summer.
Thank you for being my teacher. And thank you for the CD I liked the songs. I hope you have a great summer.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Project 365 - Day 164
Tonight was David's Kindergarten Success Night. We got to go into his classroom and look at all the work he's done throughout the year. We got to read his writing journal and see all his drawings. He was so excited for tonight and his teacher told us that leading up to tonight he would say to her "My Mom and Dad are going to be SO proud of me!", and of course he was right! Though more important than that was seeing how proud HE was of his work and himself! It was so fun watching him show off his folder and read his stories. His progress report for the year was outstanding! Hard to believe there are only 2 more days left before before he's officially a first grader!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Project 365 - Day 163
I love listening the boys pretend play. They build these worlds and act out different scenes. Reminds me of the days my brothers and sister did that with our set of "little people" toys. Here is Shaun in the midst of some kind of rebel takeover!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Project 365 - Day 161
Swimming pool FAIL: the big kids showed the little kids how to make a mud puddle, then clean themselves off in the kiddie pool. It was all good in the end, Uncle David took pleasure in spraying them all down with a hose after the day was over!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Project 365 - Day 160
Shaun's last day of preschool! He has come such a long way since his days of early intervention and speech. Not only has he grown so much academically, but also physically. If you notice from the first day of school picture he is holding up his shorts are past his knees and those were size 4's. Today he is wearing clothes that David was wearing at the beginning of the school year, size 5's, and they are not even long on him. It's been a very big week for him, last day of Family Center, last day of preschool and on Sunday he celebrates his FOURTH birthday! We could not be more proud of this little guy!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Project 365 - Day 159
We haven't even been a part of this community for a year yet, but Family Center was the first places that made us feel like we have belonged and been here for years! Today was the last day and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful group. We have made some really great friends and learned so much from the wonderful staff. Thank you Miss Christine, Miss Laurie and Miss Dinah for helping my boys grow! We will miss you all!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Project 365 - Day 157
Shaun is hit or miss with his goggles, but lately he's been wearing them like he's supposed to! He's really come a long way this year in his lessons! Their teacher is graduating this Saturday from high school and off to Northeastern in the fall. We are really going to miss him!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Project 365 - Day 156
Went to my nephew's playoff game tonight, here he is stealing second after a bunt single! His team lost, but he played really well and I'm super proud of him! Glad I was able to see a game, even if it felt more like March outside than June!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Project 365 - Day 155
Running the Covered Bridges 1/2 Marathon; official race time still to be determined, but we do know he killed it this year! I snapped a shot of the clock at 1:25:09, but he had already crossed at that point, I got distracted for a second! Daddy saw us waiting this time and came into give the boys a high five as he crossed the finish line! We are so proud!!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Project 365 - Day 154
It's a little wet today!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Project 365 - Day 153
His bags are packed and he's ready to go! His first sleepover on the Cape with his Great Aunt Karen! It was all he could ask about all week!
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