This would be less of a problem if it wasn't happening between 5:45 and 6:15 in the morning. I try to get him back into his bed and close his door but it's pretty much futile, since in a few minutes he'll get back up and do it all over again. This morning I heard running down the hall trying to sneak down to David's room (he doesn't always announce that he woke up), it was 6:15 and I looked at him pointed to his room and gave him the stink eye to march right back to bed. He was so sad, "I want David" he cried. But I turned on his music and told him it was too early. He calmed down but at that point, Shaun and David were already awake.
I sent the older 2 boys downstairs and decided to grab my camera to see if I could catch Evan trying to get out of bed again, since I knew he heard his brothers at this point. Sure enough, here he is opening his door and trying to sneak out again. Imagine his surprise when he saw Mommy with her camera catching him red handed! This will be one for the memory books when his future children wake him up at the butt crack of dawn trying to sneak out of their rooms!
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