When I learned we'd be heading to NYC, I immediately started to research how to get tickets to see the Late Show. The last time we went to NYC, we walked past the theater just as it finished taping and I decided that the next time we did this trip, I had to make it happen. The tickets are free, but they only add them in batches so I got in the habit of checking the website every couple days. When the tickets for our day became available I immediately put in the request for tickets! Now that doesn't actually mean you get tickets, that just means you're on the wait-list. We wouldn't find out we made it off the wait-list until a week before.
Once I saw we made it off the wait-list I clicked to accept the tickets. I was so excited. Until we realized, as I read more about the process on our way down, that our tickets (which were GENERAL ADMISSION) didn't actually guarantee we would get into see the show. We had to wait in a special line across the street and hope that 2 people with PRIORITY tickets decided not to go. The staff comes out to start the line up process about 2pm. We decided we would wait it out and see. It wasn't that cold out and we didn't have any other plans. PRIORITY ticket holders have until 4pm on the dot to show up and claim their spot, otherwise they end up in the back of our line and we get their spot! Turns out it was worth the wait because, at 4pm we found out that we were going to be able to get in to see the show!
Seeing how the show worked was a lot of fun. I'm glad we did it and I would certainly do it again if we were lucky enough to get PRIORITY tickets. It's totally random so you just never know until you get off the wait-list. If we ended up with GENERAL tickets, I would decline because it's just such a long time standing outside and we were lucky enough to have the experience this time!
We're in! Can't wait to see one of our favorites! |
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