Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Project 365 - Day 243
Today was Meet and Greet for Shaun. This was my first time seeing parts of the new school since we were away during the open house. It's so bright and cheery and fun! He was very excited to be back and wasn't even phased that it was a new building with new teachers. I am looking forward to a great year at the new school! First day is next Wednesday!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Project 365 - Day 242
Shaun gets a boost from his big brother.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Project 365 - Day 240
I put the boys down for their naps this afternoon and headed out to mow the lawn. This is what I saw when I headed upstairs when I finished. I really don't know about this kid sometimes!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Project 365 - Day 238
Gorgeous Saturday spent at the lake! Swimming, boat ride and finished off with some surf and turf! The boys had a blast jumping off the dock and off the boat! Last night of vacation, heading home tomorrow and then it's time to get ready for back to school!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Project 365 - Day 237
Summer is winding down. The days are already getting shorter so we were able to have some real fun with sparklers without having to keep the kids up too much past bedtime!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Project 365 - Day 236
Maddie and David always pick right back up where they left off the few times a year they get to see each other! That is the sign of a true friendship!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Project 365 - Day 235
For a while now, Evan has been able to open his bedroom door. At first it was just in the morning when he woke up. He would peek out the door and look around for any other signs of life. Then he started doing it after we put him to bed, only it progressed to him wondering on downstairs and peeking around the corner to the family room. We would tell him to march right back up stairs, but every night like clockwork, he would find his way downstairs after we had put him to bed.
The last straw was when he did this at 2am! I heard some noise and went to check and saw the downstairs light was on, I figured that we must have left it on before coming up to bed but as soon as I started down the stairs I saw a little person standing there looking up at me. "Mommy, I woke up". Oh my! I wasn't sure what we were going to do to get this little guy to stay in his room. That is when a friend suggested using a gate. So we started using the gate and it's at the very least, kept him in his room and kept him from wandering all over the house. However, it doesn't stop him from opening his door and standing in front of the gate calling for us. In fact, just a few days ago Charlie went upstairs after his run and found his door open, he went to shut it only to realize that there was something in the way (it was dark and his eyes hadn't adjusted yet). That "something in the way" turned out to be Evan! I really don't know about this kid sometimes!
Here is Evan, and how we find him most mornings. Just lying on his floor with his pile of books, talking to himself.
The last straw was when he did this at 2am! I heard some noise and went to check and saw the downstairs light was on, I figured that we must have left it on before coming up to bed but as soon as I started down the stairs I saw a little person standing there looking up at me. "Mommy, I woke up". Oh my! I wasn't sure what we were going to do to get this little guy to stay in his room. That is when a friend suggested using a gate. So we started using the gate and it's at the very least, kept him in his room and kept him from wandering all over the house. However, it doesn't stop him from opening his door and standing in front of the gate calling for us. In fact, just a few days ago Charlie went upstairs after his run and found his door open, he went to shut it only to realize that there was something in the way (it was dark and his eyes hadn't adjusted yet). That "something in the way" turned out to be Evan! I really don't know about this kid sometimes!
Here is Evan, and how we find him most mornings. Just lying on his floor with his pile of books, talking to himself.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Project 365 - Day 234
Riding into the sunset, with no training wheels. He rode his bike without the training wheels before but today was the first time he did it all on his own without any help. He finally let go of his fears and did it! So far SIX has been the year for David! We're only a few weeks in and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings for him!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Project 365 - Day 233
Two weeks ago the first tooth was lost, and now the new one is starting to take it's place! So far SIX has been very exciting for David!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Project 365 - Day 232
It was a gorgeous day today and how lucky that today was our annual trip to Story Land with our friends! This year we just went up for the day, but it was still a great time. The kids even survived dinner in town before hitting the road for the 2 hour ride!
Here are my boys (including Evan!) on the Bamboo Chutes!
Here are my boys (including Evan!) on the Bamboo Chutes!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Project 365 - Day 231
My heroes!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Project 365 - Day 230
David's first official homework assignment as a First Grader! At the end of the last school year he got to meet his new teacher and she gave him an assignment to write her a letter about how his summer was going. Last night he wrote his letter and this morning he finished it with a picture of his adventures at Canobie Lake Park!
His letter says:
I went to camp. I swam. I lost my first tooth. I am 6 years old now. I found treasure on a pirate ship. I love Canobie Lake Park.
His letter says:
I went to camp. I swam. I lost my first tooth. I am 6 years old now. I found treasure on a pirate ship. I love Canobie Lake Park.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Project 365 - Day 229
6 Year Check up today! David received a clean bill of health and now he's ready to start first grade!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Project 365 - Day 228
More back to school shopping. Today Shaun was checking out backpacks and choosing just the right one. I thought for sure he was going to go with the Perry the Platypus one, but he chose Batman. Here he is at Toys R Us trying it out!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Project 365 - Day 226
With his big brothers away for a few days, Evan got to spend the day with me & my mom doing some back to school shopping at the new Merrimack Premium Outlets! It was nice to be able to shop with just one little guy and as a special treat he got a Kermit the Frog plush toy and he got to go on a few of the rides.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Project 365 - Day 225
Off to Cape Cod for a couple days with their Omi to visit their Great Aunt and Uncle! I'm going to enjoy some quality one on one time with Evan. We have been having fun, but he is missing his older brothers so much and cried asking for them at bedtime tonight.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Project 365 - Day 224
A super proud moment for David today! Today he jumped into the deep end WITHOUT his swim vest and swam all the way to the other side of the pool! He spent the rest of the morning doing jumping in the 8ft pool and told me after we were done swimming that he was never going to need to wear a vest again, with the biggest proudest smile on his face!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Project 365 - Day 223
Someone is just too cool for his breakfast cereal!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Project 365 - Day 222
My baby boy, the one who made me a Mommy, is officially SIX! I can't believe it!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Project 365 - Day 221
Six years ago today I was at the hospital getting induced, and so ready to meet my baby boy! Little did I know that this labor was the labor that didn't end and I was going to have to wait until the morning.
Since today was supposed to be his birthday (stubborn little bugger) and Omi was here for a visit we decided to celebrate tonight. He got to choose his favorite dinner (Chinese takeout!) and we got an ice cream cake!
I can't believe that tomorrow morning at 7:25 I will be a Mom to a SIX YEAR OLD - A FIRST GRADER!
Since today was supposed to be his birthday (stubborn little bugger) and Omi was here for a visit we decided to celebrate tonight. He got to choose his favorite dinner (Chinese takeout!) and we got an ice cream cake!
I can't believe that tomorrow morning at 7:25 I will be a Mom to a SIX YEAR OLD - A FIRST GRADER!
I Heart Faces ~ Pet Faces
This month the theme over at I Heart Faces Challenge is Pet Faces. My cousin has 2 gorgeous huskies but Moose, seen below, is my favorite! He's a big lovable fur-ball who lets my boys jump on him, sit on him and snuggle with him. He also likes to have his picture taken. Just say "cookie" and he looks right at you!

For more fun pet faces, click on the button below and check them out!
For more fun pet faces, click on the button below and check them out!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Project 365 - Day 220
Today I packed up the boys and headed to what I thought was going to be David's 6 year check up (he turns 6 on Thursday!). I walked in to the office only to find out that his appointment wasn't for today but it was rescheduled a month ago for the 16th. I remember them calling me to reschedule, but apparently I never actually changed the date in my calendar. Oops!
Well the boys doctor's office is right across the street from Daddy's office so I gave him a call to see if he would be up for a quick visit. The boys were so excited that he was in between patients and had a few minutes to spare. When we got to the office the boys saw their picture on the shelf, however it was a little outdated. It was a picture from last July. A couple nurses poked their heads in to say hello to the boys and mentioned that it might be time for Charlie to update his family portrait!
Since it was such a nice afternoon, the boys and I decided to try and get a new picture for Daddy's office! It was painful as always, (even with the bribe of M&M's) but after about 30 tries, I finally got a good one!
Well the boys doctor's office is right across the street from Daddy's office so I gave him a call to see if he would be up for a quick visit. The boys were so excited that he was in between patients and had a few minutes to spare. When we got to the office the boys saw their picture on the shelf, however it was a little outdated. It was a picture from last July. A couple nurses poked their heads in to say hello to the boys and mentioned that it might be time for Charlie to update his family portrait!
Since it was such a nice afternoon, the boys and I decided to try and get a new picture for Daddy's office! It was painful as always, (even with the bribe of M&M's) but after about 30 tries, I finally got a good one!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Project 365 - Day 219
Evan (aka The Destructinator - Master of Mischief and Mayhem) running at the park today! This kid is so lucky he is cute. His personality makes you want to hug him and strangle him simultaneously. I thought the third kid was supposed to be the laidback "easy" one, but Evan is exactly the opposite. I swear I cannot take my eyes off that kid for 2 seconds without him getting into something. In one day he managed to get into the salt shaker (dumped half of it on the table), a container of baking soda (half dumped out onto a dining room chair) and a box of fruit snacks form the pantry (which he tried to open but couldn't).
He's been known to get into my contact lens case and dump the contents out (not once, not twice, but 3 times in the span of 2 weeks). And he loves to go through peoples bags, especially mine (he is looking for my gum). The kid seriously exhausts me and I really hope that someday his curiosity and need get into things will serve him well in the future, but for now it's just driving Mommy super crazy!
He's been known to get into my contact lens case and dump the contents out (not once, not twice, but 3 times in the span of 2 weeks). And he loves to go through peoples bags, especially mine (he is looking for my gum). The kid seriously exhausts me and I really hope that someday his curiosity and need get into things will serve him well in the future, but for now it's just driving Mommy super crazy!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Project 365 - Day 218
What a wonderful weekend celebration. It's good to be home, but I enjoyed the weekend away so much! Saturday we had breakfast at the hotel and then headed out to do some window shopping on Newbury Street and finished our walk at the Public Gardens. We had dinner at Giacomo's in the North End (which was delicious!) and grabbed some dessert at Mike's Pastry to take back to our room. This morning we had breakfast packed up and headed to see The Dark Knight Rises before heading home to our little cherubs, and while we definitely missed them while we were away, it was so nice to be able to get away just the two of us.
Here is a shot of the The Boston Harbor Hotel, and surrounding buildings at Rowes Wharf while we took one last stroll this morning through Boston Harborwalk over towards the Courthouse Plaza (the building we could see from our hotel room!).
Here is a shot of the The Boston Harbor Hotel, and surrounding buildings at Rowes Wharf while we took one last stroll this morning through Boston Harborwalk over towards the Courthouse Plaza (the building we could see from our hotel room!).
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Project 365 - Day 217
Yesterday the Doc and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary! Since this is kind of a big milestone, we decided to plan a nice little weekend getaway to Boston. We dropped the boys off with my sister for the weekend and headed to the Boston Harbor Hotel, the same hotel we spent our wedding night! We checked in and headed out to grab some dinner at a really fun Mexican place on the Waterfront. When we returned to our room we were surprised with a bottle of champagne, some popcorn and chocolate covered strawberries, compliments of the IL's!
I set up this little scene this morning to say thank to MIL and FIL for the lovely anniversary surprise! I saved the calla lilies so that I could take them home with me as a little memento from this wonderful weekend celebration!
I set up this little scene this morning to say thank to MIL and FIL for the lovely anniversary surprise! I saved the calla lilies so that I could take them home with me as a little memento from this wonderful weekend celebration!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Project 365 - Day 216
The excavator started working in the back yard yesterday stumping and leveling the area where we cut down all those trees last Spring. Shaun enjoyed watching the tractor pull up the stumps and so when he started this morning we went outside to watch and so I could take some pictures. He saw us and called Shaun over for a ride. He even let Shaun work the levers and pick up some dirt! Needless to say, he thought it was pretty darn cool!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Project 365 - Day 215
Looks like we'll be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy TONIGHT! David first told us about his loose tooth almost a month ago and tonight it finally came out (exactly one week before his 6th birthday!)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
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